THE next time you’re about to bite into a hamburger, take a moment to consider the resources that went into making it. In recent Solve X talk, Andras Forgacs laid out all the statistics, and explained how tantalizingly close we are to a more sustainable method of meat production. Basically, humanity may soon be 3D printing meat instead of growing it in an animal. Forgacs starts by explaining just how costly a single quarter-pound beef patty is to produce. For that one serving, 6.7lbs of grains, 600 gallons of water and 75 square feet of grazing land were used. Now multiply that 1000 to find your (approximate) impact — the average American eats over 220lbs of meat each year. Additionally, at least 18% of greenhouse gas emissions are due to meat production. All this for one burger? As economic opportunities continue to lift populations around the world into the middle class, demand for meat is ri...
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