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Showing posts from January, 2016

Saving Santa

I wasn't able to post this during holiday seasons. Anyways, here it is.      Is Santa will finally come to town?      "You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I'm telling you why..." Most probably you had sung it with joyous laughter and nostalgic smiles thinking that Christmas has already giving massive excitement to everyone most especially when you have thought of spending it with the ones you truly loved. But not everyone has given this kind of opportunity. More often than not, Filipinos (including you) value practicality up to the point when you are ready to exchange series of most celebrated holidays to years of servitude away from your families. But moments later you have trouble remembering when the last live hugs and kisses you had with them were, considering that your mind has only been seeing portraits and virtual images of them for the longest period of time. Others call this a long-distance relationship but I